An Outpouring of Appreciation
Earlier this month, we asked our community to write haikus about someone in their lives that they appreciate.
It was such a gift to receive such a diverse range of beautiful appreciations, ranging from celebrations of our farmers to our teachers, mothers and friends. Every single one had something special and unique that set it apart. Thank you to all who participated!
One haiku was chosen by popular vote to receive a complimentary 12-candle, year-long subscription for the haiku's subject and a $500 donation to the author's chosen non-profit partner.
The 2023 Giving Thanks winning haiku is:
Haiku for Hamlet
by Erin in honor of their mom Paige
Paige, don't go, he says
You patiently take his hand
Love gives in again
in support of American Farmland Trust
"She's a full-time caregiver to my dad with dementia, just retired from a long career in conservation, and is one of those inspiring women who everyone wants to hang out with, even horses and cranky cats who won't let anyone else hold them. She has become a lifeline for the people in memory care where her husband lives, and I just think she deserves all the light in the world."
The Finalists
Our community also voted for 4 additional finalists who each received a complimentary full-size candle for the haiku's subject and a $50 donation to the author's chosen non-profit partner.
A friend, in the truest sense
by Emily in honor of their friend Taylor
Creating a hole
in the heavy clouds for me
so sunlight breaks in
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Taylor has been a wonderful friend to me and a shoulder to lean on as I deal with some heavy challenges in my life. I so appreciate her listening without judgement, looking out for me, and helping me feel confident that I'll land on my feet regardless the outcome."
by Thomas in honor of their daughter Laurie
Winter’s a chaos
Of children, chores and duties.
Her voice is the spring.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"She is raising two beautiful children, one beautiful husband, a warren of rabbits, several ducks and a large vegetable garden. And doing it with joy. She birthed her daughter at home with no midwife. She is my hero."
On Ancient Waters
by Rick in honor of their friend Cheryl
Wind and waves whisper
Stories old and not yet told
Teach us how to live
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"Cheryl was the founder of Livingston Street Early Childhood Community in Kingston, a play-based, non-profit school for young children with a focus on their emotional and social well-being. After over a decade of working tirelessly at this program, Cheryl handed the reins over to a successor so she could launch the Adventure Boat Club to teach people young and old how to sail while learning about the ecology and history of our historic Hudson River."
by Helen in honor of their friend Marta
With kind eyes she sees
the first time mom, becoming.
My heart she receives.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"Marta has been a dear friend and incredible support not just to me, but other moms experiencing matrescence (the process of becoming a mother) in our community of friends. I gave birth to my daughter earlier this year, and while motherhood has filled me with indescribable awe and joy, it has also been a challenging time. Many times in my postpartum life, she would drop by with warm meals, an understanding ear, and tireless encouragement. She never got tired of inviting me on walks or events so I wouldn’t feel isolated, even when I had to decline on multiple occasions due to postpartum anxiety, my baby’s unpredictable schedule, and simple exhaustion. I’m thankful for her friendship and generous heart, during a time I longed to be seen, heard, and received. Thank you Marta!"
More Haikus by Keapers
We received over a hundred submissions! Authors of valid entries were given a complimentary Scent-to-Home set to gift their nominees, and all entries are shared below.
Thank you all for sharing these wonderful appreciations!
Dear Friends Can Be Seen
by L. in honor of their friends Molly & Hank
Supporting my art
Collaborating on lunch
Smiling so warmly
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Molly & Hank are lovely friends and show up in such delightful ways. When we spend time together, they are so present and vibrantly there. They have both helped me grow as an artist and a person through our many delightful conversations. And they're just fun people! It is such a treat to have an uncomplicatedly good friendship."
My gal
by Shaun in honor of their best friend Maya
Sweet easy friendship
Each day, a word or a thought
Threads through space and time
in support of Good Work Institute
"Maya is a sweet friend for 23 years now. Although we live far apart, she is always there. We've talked almost every day for a decade, and now that she has a new baby and teenagers she's still makes time for our friendship."
Something more human than war
by Kathryn in honor of their colleage Libby
The truer you sing
Dancing in front of the guns,
The lighter our feet
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Libby fights for justice at every level, from climate change down to the individual interaction, and she does so with compassion, humor, and hope. She's someone I admired for decades before having the honor of working with her. I learn more from listening to her silences than from many people's speech."
A Baby Won't Change You
by Monica in honor of their friend Kristen
Your multi-colored
Wigs will one day fit your son
Please don't throw them out
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"She's about to be a first-time mom and possibly the greatest person I know. We met in college and she's been part of every fun, memorable, life-changing moment of my life. I just think she's the best and want to remind her that she's an incredible human who is about to make an incredible mom."
Life shows up
by Annabel in honor of their friend April
news in an instant
cellular green blue scarlet
in support of Strong Towns
"April lives to help others while striving to better herself everyday. She was diagnosed with cancer during covid, navigated treatments, new york apartment isolation and job insecurity by herself and never once was without grace. When we were roommates we used to gift each other candles and I would like to think it symbolized the warmth and the sense of peace we wanted for the other. I wish nothing more for her now to have a renewed sense of warmth and peace after the seismic metamorphosis she just experienced."
Bird Feeder
by Eli in honor of their mother Suzanne
Like a little bird
You sing melodies of love
And from on high coo
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She is deeply thoughtful, always making time for loved ones, through acts of service and gifts. She is always willing to listen and she is always there for those she loves. Like she loves to hang up little bird feeders, to provide food for beautiful birds, she is always cooking for us. It’s her love language."
Catie walks in
by Elizabeth in honor of their son's nanny Catie
Today, good mood dude
Yesterday, Cheeky Zekey
Tomorrow, still here
in support of Good Work Institute
"Catie is my soon-to-be three-year-old son's nanny (of almost two years) and truly a remarkable human being. My toddler son, Zeke, is what we call 'spirited,' and yet Catie pulls from a well of patience, creativity, and joy every day to nurture that spirit. She builds his mental and physical confidence and is adored by other children, parents, and caregivers in our neighborhood for her zest for life and positive vibes. Thanks to her, I can go finish my PhD and do my teaching knowing she's so lovingly taking care of my (sometimes) 'good mood dude' as she calls him. Did I mention she's in grad school herself?"
Music Teacher
by Janie in honor of their music teacher Jacob
Rapids before me
Thoughtful guidance from the bank
Quells fear, I glide by
in support of Strong Towns
"Musicians and teachers feed our spirit. At root what they offer is love. It is an invaluable and yet poorly compensated endeavor."
Laughing Earth
by Karisa in honor of their CSA farmers Zack and Annie
Sun and rain and soil,
Your food is life-giving fuel.
Nourished we give thanks!
in support of American Farmland Trust
"They grow beautiful, delicious, and healthy organic food for our community. They raise laying hens for eggs and also sell pasture raised meats: chicken, beef and pork. They work tirelessly, and with very thin margins (as most farmers do). They ensure that their food is accessible by others in our rural community: they have a sliding scale CSA payment option that ensure no one is turned away from participating in this network due to lack of funds."
Dedicated woman
by Kate in honor of their coworker Natasha
Jamaican students
receiving scholarships of
love, time, devotion
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Besides being excellent at her job (and at this workplace for 30 years), Natasha, originally from Jamaica, defines "
The biggest thanks
by Lauren in honor of their friend Misti
Always bringing light
Even in the darkest night
Misti is the best
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Misti is one of the funniest, smartest, compassionate, and selfless people I know. She always there to support me and over our time together, I have seen how she has even made me a more compassionate and giving person. Even when Misti is going through difficult or stressful times in her life, she is willing to offer a hand or support to make life for others easier. At work, she keeps everyone at our company organized and informed and has helped grow the awareness of our leadership team. She is also the biggest Peewee Herman fan I have ever known, tells the best jokes, drives like a maniac... and I love her for it."
A new way to think of mitzvah
by Lauren in honor of their teacher Alison
Alison Cohen
reweaves the tapestry of
human connection
in support of Good Work Institute
"Alison recently began offering classes on mindful communication at my synagogue, which I've had the privilege of participating in. She is a joyful presence and an excellent teacher. Attending her classes consistently leaves me feeling more myself than I did walking in, more knowledgeable about mindfulness, and more prepared to connect with others. I appreciate so many things about her: the kindness, wisdom, and intentionality she brings to interaction, her commitment to giving students regular stretch breaks, her extraordinary collection of stickers, etc. Most of all, I appreciate her dedication to the mitzvah of "
Dorothy the Doer
by Leeann in honor of their friend Dorothy
Making things happen
Planning, working, creating
Generous from heart
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Dorothy leads the fundraising committee at church & does an inordinate amount of work preparing for the activities. She works long long for days on end while maintaining a gentle and kind composure."
by Afshaan in honor of their best friend Ember
Like the golden sun
Enveloping us with warmth
Always the brightest
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"She works as a nurse in palliative care and is a very loving friend."
by Deborah in honor of their best friend/family Jamie
Unrivaled friendship
Ever-ready open heart
Sharing tears and love.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"We have been friends for decades. We have seen each other through the joys and the sadnesses of life. I have just lost my dad. She is there for me 24/7 as I work through my raw grief. We live across the country from one another, but I feel her hugs and love."
How can I be there?
by Rachel in honor of their friend Gabrielle
To her friends, Gab is
A breath of fresh air, thinking
How can I be there
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"I appreciate Gabrielle because she puts thought into everything she does. Whether it's a birthday text message, a speech at a wedding or just a quick meet up for coffee, Gabrielle's actions and words are always the most thoughtful - making those around her feel special and heard."
Queen Shmulie
by Karly in honor of their friend Rachel
Her life is changing,
but she's thriving anyway,
I revere my Rach!!!
in support of American Farmland Trust
"I am really proud of Rachel because she is doing a lot to take care of herself, her family, her friends, all while having a new baby, new job and moving to a new town! It's been a really hard time for our community too and she is doing a great job juggling it all during massive heartbreak and distress."
When sincerity is too much
by Amy in honor of their bff Nora
Nora f-ing rules
She's an iconic badass
Love you BFF!
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Nora is extremely smart, hard-working, funny, and has put up with all of my nonsense (and supported me in my pursuits and struggles) since we were seven years old."
Soft iron
by Sofia in honor of their grandmother Carol
A back full of steel
Does not impact how she gives
Fearlessly to us
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She’s just really tough, yet very gentle for her generation. She has a a surprising amount of open mindedness which I don’t appreciate nearly enough"
Mattie's Garden
by Katie in honor of their mom Mattie
Her plants are people.
Her love grows us like flowers -
She is sun and rain.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"Because she takes care of the people in her life."
by Maria in honor of their mom Anna Marie
they say she is tough
but we know her to be strong
while she cares for us
in support of Strong Towns
"Although all moms deserve appreciation, I think mine is special because she doesn't just care for me but everyone around her. She has been a Philadelphia school teacher her whole life and in the past 5 years has taken on the responsibility of caring for my now 96 year old grandmom. This haiku is inspired from her tough love in the classroom and out."
To my mother—When Night Falls, The Stars Will Catch It
by Ella in honor of their mother Lois
Long night, long winter,
Cumin and squash on the stove,
With you, I am home.
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"I have greatly under-appreciated my mother, and we used to have conflict over trivial things like outfits and lunch, but since moving hours away, I miss her a lot and wish we could see one another more often. In some ways, being farther is better, because we only talk and see one another when we’re in a good mood, but I also know that is not true to the ups and downs of life."
by Kate in honor of their mom Sue
Post-it dashboard plan
Eleven forehead window
in support of American Farmland Trust
"As now a mother of my own three kids, I find myself reflecting back on my own childhood. My mom gave herself fully to her role as a mother, to her own four children, but also to my friends and our community. And later in life, to her own father. The role of a mother and parent is relentless. It's a mental, emotional and physical odyssey that rarely feels tangibly reassuring that you are on track. It forces you to do the inner work that you'd rather just numb up and package nicely away. I look back and see a vulnerability in my mom's unconditional love that I never fully appreciated (or noticed) until now as I try to quiet the noise of parenting advice and tune into my own voice. Her instincts weren't always right but they were genuine and fully committed. And they still are. Love you mom."
Seen and Held
by Jonna in honor of their life mate Aaron
Hold space for my pain
Hold my hands, then our baby
Hold this memory
in support of American Farmland Trust
"Eleven years ago I married the boy who lived a mile down the road from me, when we were growing up. Two weeks ago, he held my hands as I surrendered to the body wracking waves of contractions pulling our newest baby into this world. This is not our first birth, but it’s the first birth where I could feel how the years have knitted us together and my pain and joy were written on his face. I am grateful for all the seasons that have shaped us, because through them, he has become my closest friend."
A Tribute
by Sharon in honor of their daughter Emily
My dear Emikat
With kind heart, laughing eyes, and
sometimes...a fierce roar
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"My daughter is a bold, beautiful, strong young woman with a generous heart who has risen above challenge and adversity with grace and resolve. I respect and admire her tremendously. My nickname for her, since she was born, is Emikat."
by Laura in honor of their daughter-in-law Jessica
Son Adam's new wife
Beautiful inside and out
True angel on earth
in support of Good Work Institute
"She is such a loving, caring positive life force to all she encounters."
Olivia Rosemary
by Kelly in honor of their daughter Olivia
She is joyful light
Singing, dancing and laughing
We will miss her so
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She is such a light in our lives and those around her. She lifts people up and makes them laugh. She has had some struggles going through high school during COVID and after which she has worked so hard to get through while still being positive and having fun"
Love and Candles
by Susan in honor of their daughter Sven
I love you so much
You bought me a Keap candle
Now I buy my own!
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Sven is so kind and loving."
Light of my life
by Georgia in honor of their husband James
You are light and love
Radiating to us all
In all the darkness
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"He’s the most selfless person I know, he does everything for everyone else and never excepts anything in return."
by Kiana in honor of their sister Nyima
Grace and love you are
Your light shines all the day through
My sister my friend
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"She’s a beautiful soul inside and out."
thank you, me
by DC in honor of their self DC
In my heart, I find
Gratitude for all I've done
Self-love's gentle glow
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"I help others quite a bit, but it is rarely seen because I do not talk about it."
We Notice
by Nell in honor of their mom Linda
Linda is loving.
So much that she may not even
Notice. But we do.
in support of Good Work Institute
"Linda Mom is so deeply giving to her family, community, dog, and clients. She brought me up with a Spiritual Warrior curriculum, and nightly foot massages."
Our Neighborhood Friend
by Ruby in honor of their partner Harry
At our beck and call,
Harry is a friend to all
always on our side
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Harry is the embodiment of altruism. He’s always thinking about how to do good for his loved ones, his neighbors, his broader community, and the environment. He takes our compost to the park every weekend, delivers food to the local community fridges for those in need, seeks out volunteer opportunities in North Brooklyn, donates books and clothes to the community, and even frequents our local public libraries which are essential to a thriving and equitable community. It’s very rare to know someone that devotes so much energy and time to being a good neighbor, and I so appreciate his work."
Every day
by Eden in honor of their husband Steve
How lucky I am
To share this sweet life with you
I should tell you more
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Becoming a parent together has been such an incredibly rewarding but also, let’s be honest, exhausting and difficult time over the last 3.5 years. It’s not always easy to show my appreciation for him but I really appreciate so many of the small things he does for our family every day that maintain my sanity."
The World With G
by Sawyer in honor of their girlfriend Gabby
Growing and learning
Gabby makes the Bronx brighter
And the world dazzling
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"Gabby is a one of a kind girlfriend, partner, and friend. Every day she approaches life with a sense of giving and compassion that makes you feel loved and supported in everything you do. On top of this, Gabby works as an occupational therapist at two K-8 schools in the Bronx. Helping kids learn and develop solutions to OT challenges, Gabby creates a safe and caring space for kids from all different backgrounds to grow and feel supported in their educational journey!"
My guide
by Kathleen in honor of their mother MaryAnne
My mom is gone yet
Bestowing phantom advice
Her voice in my head
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She is my guiding light"
The little things
by Kathleen in honor of their husband Mark
Blankets steeped in sleep
He hands me piping coffee
A small gift of love
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"The thoughtful ways he shows he cares"
Shine bright from a dark light
by Maximilian in honor of their half sister Jennifer
Sister's tender care,
Guiding through the darkest nights,
Warmth in scented light.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"She has been dealing with my father who passed out and had a mental breakdown these past two weeks, while I am in Germany without a passport to return home."
For Wendy
by London in honor of their friend Wendy
Wendy, distant friend,
Always there, our bond won't end,
Gratitude, I send.
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Wendy and I have not lived in the same country for many years and yet she is always finding ways to keep in touch and meet up when possible despite her busy family and professional life. If she judges me, she doesn't show it. Whenever we speak, she always provides compassionate and supportive words. I know she will always be there for me and I for her. love her to death."
Dark Morning Warm Lattes
by Caitlyn in honor of their spouse Alex
Exhale gratitude
Morning steps reveal hidden blessings
Even in the dark
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"Alex is a caring dog father and has been there for me during my darkest moments and has been a solid partner to me for the past 8 years we've been romantic and 12 years as a friend. He always will do small acts of kindness to let me know that I am deeply loved and appreciated. He will start my car in the morning while I make us both lattes. Alex will also take out our dog Samson for a early walk even when its really cold/dark out. He's the best and I feel so lucky everyday waking up to both of them."
ode to my dad
by Laurie in honor of their dad Tom
burning down the house
happily ever after
it was a good life
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"For not having a TV when we were kids, for dance parties to Stop Making Sense, for thousands of hours of card games and reading us Grimm's fairy tales."
by Hannah in honor of their roommate Sara
Dough in microwave
Caulk fixing up the hallway
Happy thanksgiving
in support of Strong Towns
"Generously bakes homemade bread for us!"
Beautiful Woman
by Michele in honor of their daughter Kirsten
Beautiful woman
My love that made me a mom
Always in my heart
in support of Strong Towns
"Kirsten works endlessly to support her family and always stays true to her principles at work and home. She fights hard for what is right."
fortunate to be in zivya's orbit
by Nathan in honor of their sister Zivya
you care, invest, give
family, community
how lucky are we
in support of Strong Towns
"She is selfless beyond words. She spends so much of her time investing in others - her family, her community, her friends."
Dream Dad
by Caitlin in honor of their husband Paul
Patient kid wrangler
His endless dad energy
Makes us feel lucky
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"He does so much for our two little girls. They are lucky to have a patient, playful, energetic dad who is always ready to play cars or peekaboo."
Making the world a better place
by Lisa in honor of their husband Tim
Your persistence on
lifting up those who need it
inspires us all
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"He is constantly actively working to support people of color, women, and neurodivergent people and calls out injustice where he sees it."
Wife and Super-Mom
by Dan in honor of their wife Yemi
Yemi, you are the
Best thing that ever happened
To me, I love you
in support of American Farmland Trust
"My wife Yemi does so much for our twin toddlers. She never ceases to amaze me with her selflessness and tireless effort to take care of them. Yemi has put them ahead of her career, which has enabled me to advance my own career in order to provide for our family. Knowing how much my wife's career means to her and how talented she is, I am eternally grateful for her sacrifice, and want to show her how much I appreciate her."
Monique is a Diamond
by Wendy in honor of their sister-in-law Monique
Monique is a gem
A person of compassion
We owe thanks to her
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"She is always there for everyone. Invites loners and strangers to family dinners, did the lion’s share of care for my dad in the month’s before he died, volunteers at the zoo, does way more work on my brother’s ranch than he does, and is an all-around under-appreciated force for good in the family and community."
Baltimore Babies
by Caroline in honor of their friends Emily and Micah
Emily, Micah,
My merry in Maryland
Lights in the darkness
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"They bring me joy and make me laugh whenever I talk to them pretty much"
Little Meows
by Jarrod in honor of their partner Erik
Erik eats the snacks
And he often feeds our cats
When I am overwhelmed.
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"I appreciate him for putting up with me when I’m at my worst and for taking such exceptional care of our cats."
Ode to Becca
by Anne in honor of their bestie Becca
Becca Boo it’s you
lovely, generous and kind
glad you are my friend
in support of Strong Towns
"She is always an optimist. Loves supporting others. Selfless and kind. Quick to point out the good in people!"
Summers with Ecy
by Eileen in honor of their sister-in-law Ecy
Ecy my sister
summers on cape cod with you
I treasure those days
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Ecy and I are lucky enough to have met because we married brothers. She is like the sister I never had."
Ricky and Lana
by Will in honor of their brother + future sister-in-law Ricky and Lana
Ricky and Lana!
Back from Japanese voyage
Grateful for you both
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"For being kind, thoughtful, and caring."
Ember in the night
by Daniel in honor of their best friend Max
Kindred soul so near
In shadows, your light glows bright
Max, my strength and cheer
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"He is incredibly selfless with his time and care when I'm at my worst :)"
My Grasshopper
by Tij in honor of their partner Ethan
Jumping grasshopper
climbing from the dark below
feels the sun once more
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"I appreciate this person for their unwavering support and patience. He is a incredible partner who overcome many hurdles to for me and our relationship. I want him to know how much I appreciate him."
by Julie in honor of their sister Nancy
Water when I burn
Almost like you know I am
Waiting to go out
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Generous and caring; calms me down"
biscuit love
by Elaina in honor of their partner Curry
fried chicken biscuit
hot, crispy, crunchy, spicy
bite, savor, swallow
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"Curry has supported me through a significant health scare and potential job change, and deserves some extra love and gratitude!"
Courage to inspire
by Sarah in honor of their mother Melissa
You said you are proud
My creativity born
From your bright courage
in support of Good Work Institute
"Her creative energy"
by John in honor of their wife Kristina
Grateful for the light
Keap Candles brighten the world
With eco-friendly fire
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"She always helps me and I'm thankful"
The Moon
by Hayden in honor of their partner Paul
Thanks for it always
The cat the bear and the moon
And all the light too
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"They are selfless and caring in the most genuine sense"
Our Hero
by Julia in honor of their husband Trevor
Your eyes gazing down
His smile lights up the room
You dad, are our hero
in support of Strong Towns
"He is my husband and now importantly, baby daddy. He is the most devoted, loving, selfless, and committed person to his family. He gives all of himself to our son and me (and our pup). He works so hard and gives so much, and always has a smile on his face. He is everything to our family, and should feel as special and appreciated as he is."
To you
by Melanie in honor of their husband Sam
I appreciate
Your loyalty and your grace
forever always
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"Loyal, attentive, loving!"
by Kelsey in honor of their partner Clay
Deep eyes green meets blue
Always home when I see you
Comfort lies in hue
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"They are my partner, best friend and family. I adore their efforts and caring nature as I have been going though treatment for OCD among other health concerns. He keeps me motivated and reminds me to have grace for myself and pride for my progress. I’m thankful to have someone to love me in all the ways I am while sticking by my side. Clay is truly a unique and wonderful person."
by Rachael in honor of their partner Henry
Everyone loves to
sleep soundly in another
persons warm puddle
in support of Good Work Institute
"He’s the sweetest and always cares for me so well"
My pup Watson
by Samantha in honor of their mother Lisa Yellen
A happy Watson
Yes he likes to eat the socks
Still a good dog though
in support of American Farmland Trust
"She’s a great mom and watching my dog while I travel!"
Miss Norton
by Aldo in honor of their 1st grade teacher Robin
I love Miss Norton
She is the coolest teacher
A creative one
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"She is nice and teaches me things each day."
Matriarch Divine
by David in honor of their wife ReAnna
A gracious healer
Source of my life's greatest joy
You're loved and cherished
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"My beautiful wife, she is a selfless healer and a wonderful mother to our son"
Erin Cares
by Marilyn in honor of their daughter-in-law Erin
Erin cares for friends
patients and family and
is a good person
in support of Strong Towns
"She is a medical doctor, but more important, she is a caring human being. She goes over and above giving help and support to her patients and her family."
Compassion for Special Children
by Susan in honor of their sister Rosa
Teaches with kindness
Safety with mobility
Knowledge is freedom
in support of Strong Towns
"She is a very knowledgeable Physical Therapist. She works with special needs children in a local school system to increase their independence and safety with mobility."
Fox Friend
by Olivia in honor of their friend Caitlin
Childhood long time friend
There to share a laugh or tear
Always a good soul
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Caitlin is always there to listen and lend a hand, even if she lives across the nation."
by Tonia in honor of their friend Jennifer
Your ability
showing courage, love, kindness
is like no other
in support of American Farmland Trust
"Her loyal friendship, courage and kindness"
my lovely
by Tyler in honor of their partner Ander
Soft and sturdy blend,
Ginger warmth with freckled grace,
Heart's home, a kind space.
in support of Good Work Institute
"My partner of 3 years, he embodies kindness and curiosity and creates a space of belonging for everyone he’s around. It’s magic to see someone live in the balance between soft and sturdy and it’s a gift to be encouraged by him to do the same."
by Michael in honor of their college friend Amy
Nineteen eighty-six?
My oh my, tempus fugit.
Friends for life: chin-chin!
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"Semper fi"
Daisy's Brushes
by Arthur in honor of their wife Daisy
Tell Daisy Debelle
Arthur is blessed to love her
She colors our lives
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"Wife, my very much alive, love, and mother of our gladiator sons - She brings life and color to our lives."
Krystle Magic
by Danielle in honor of their dear friend Krystle Brown
Old friend, new rebirth
Teaching me to look inside
Life's magic, open heart
in support of Strong Towns
"This friend and I have shared many chapters in life. She's opened the door for me by sharing her own self work. And it is allowing me to grow, be vulnerable, look inside and heal, and be truly seen. My life is changing in magical ways through this and I am eternally grateful for her presence, love, and guidance."
PopPop and GiGi's House
by Cassie in honor of their dad Hank
Layla and Ev love
Your new house for playing and
I, for those in it
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"My dad and his wife have recently moved closer to me. Their move was a huge, tiring chore that I wasn't able to help with but I want them to know how much I appreciate them moving closer! I have 2 young kids and having some family nearby means a lot to me. This move is also one of many times my dad has shown me that choosing to change and move on, though difficult, is always better than being stuck in constant strife."
Musings on Mocha
by Elizabeth in honor of their friend Mochaccino
Life is more fun when
Mochaccino is around
Adventure ahead!
in support of Kingston YMCA Farm Project
"Mochaccino is the perfect combination of sweet & soft & silly & adventurous. She makes everything more fun."
Sister Mary
by Victoria in honor of their sister-in-law's sister Mary
Mary oh Mary,
you are the one who cares most,
a haiku, a toast
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"My brother passed suddenly at the age of 39 days before his five year anniversary to my sister in law Ellen. Mary is Ellen’s sister. Mary has been an endless source of support and positivity in a very dark time. We are all grieving but my brother was Ellen’s person and perhaps not Mary’s favorite person. She’s been stalwart 24/7 continuing to check-in and be there for everyone in this hard time."
by Emily in honor of their sister Valerie
Fire in the darkness
sets alight young hearts and minds
warm sun over leaves
in support of Center for Humane Technology
"She is an amazing teacher who goes above and beyond for her students (acquiring actual animal organs for dissection for her middle schoolers), with little appreciation from her district. She is also a hardworking and loving and creative mom, spouse, sister, daughter, and sister. She is selfless and doesn’t take enough time for herself."
by Angela in honor of their mamacita Joan
Always by my side
Tending to each care and cry
You deserve the world!
in support of American Farmland Trust
"Shes done so much for me over the years, continues to show up and be there for me, and I only help I can be there as much for her!"
New Ride
by Tara in honor of their dad Gerald
Motorcycle aches,
dad in hospital to heal,
new bike arrived late
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"my whole life, he has been resilient, never stops going for the best he can do"
Ghost of Love
by Neely in honor of their cat mother Ghost
Ghost, with broken heart,
You taught us love heals all, Gone
yet forever loved.
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She came into our lives having been abused and dumped. Over time, she opened her abused and broken heart again to us. She taught us the power and healing of love."
Karen & Cara
by Cara in honor of their mom Karen
Mothers and daughters
Thank you for giving me life
And teaching me love
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"She has always been there for me and as we both grow older, I hope to drive home how much she means to me and care for her as she did me."
Marin Gardens
by Lorraine in honor of their friend Marvin
As your garden grows
So does my love for you, dear
Dirty, sweaty boy
in support of American Farmland Trust
"My good friend, he’s incredibly thoughtful, creative, and generous."
Saint Francine
by Shelly in honor of their lifelong friend Francine
Saint like loyalty
Persevering with fierce love
Old soul determined
in support of Center for Humane Technology
"Francine lives in service to others. She is fiercely loyal and always going the extra mile."
by Allison in honor of their mother Tricia
guardian angel…
selfless, she is our raincoat
greatest of all time
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"I am in absolute awe of her, her devotion to her five children & to her patients, her infectious positivity, her endless capacity for care, her constant nurturance, grace, thoughtfulness, & generosity. She leaves a deep impression of kindness with everyone she touches. For my haiku, I was inspired by Ada Limón’s poem “The Raincoat.”"
by Vicki in honor of their mentor Ash
embracing fifty
you are the ecosystem
your landscape is now
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"She's my friend and a mentor / beacon of light and love. She always has the most supportive, thoughtful, wise words to share when I'm feeling lost, sad, or down. She brings a wildly different perspective to many of my conversations. She is generous and giving, and I want to show her the same generosity she always shares. And she is turning 50 next week!"
by Kaitlin in honor of their mother Martha
My Mother
The North Star I never
Thought I’d ever have
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"My mother goes above and beyond to support me and my daughter. She has been my full time child care from the time my daughter was a 3 months old and I had to go back to work, while being severely disabled with a back injury and stroke. She has been the only person I can call on to listen to my anxieties and life problems at anytime of day and she never judges me or makes me feel bad but is also honest with me when I’m in the wrong. My mother has overcome addiction and become the loving mother I never had as a child. I’m so proud of her and eternally grateful for everything she’s given me and continues to give me."
For my friend Angelika
by Jenny in honor of their neighbor Angelika
Just by being you
You inflect our lives with love
And Daphne photos
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"My friend and neighbor, Angelika ensures that every interaction she has with every person, regardless of relationship, is underpinned by love and kindness. She makes Philadelphia an even better place."
To My Beloved Cousin
by Gillian in honor of their cousin Melville
I appreciate
Your kind spirit
Thank you good my God
in support of Good Work Institute
"A true Renaissance man. Talented and compassionate neurosurgeon. Brilliant teacher. Now at age 92 nearing the end of his earthly life. I suppose."
Ice Cream Dream
by Marc in honor of their wife Alison
Forever my love
Throws sprinkles on life itself
The yum to all yuk
in support of Partners for Climate Action - Hudson Valley
"She's the love of my life. She has a forever spark inside of her and reminds me daily that things will only get better together"
by Rose in honor of their friend Elissa
Elissa, my friend
Is it really 50 years?
So much shared laughter
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"My friend since 2nd grace, she’s always been the kind and thoughtful one, smoothing out my rough edges"
by Ashley in honor of their husband Corey
He is our everything
He gives everything he is
Lives every day
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"He does everything for me and our boys. He loves to read and I always put a candle in his office when he reads"
fight the power
by Igor in honor of their partner Caitlin
Caitlin is the best
for she cares about people
and fights for us all
in support of North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems
"Caitlin has dedicated her legal career, both past jobs and future aspirations, to fighting for those who are vulnerable and who have been historically disadvantaged by our society (i.e., disadvantaged as a result of institutional racism, sexism, etc.). She speaks truth to power and is not afraid to use her privilege and expertise to challenge institutional greed."
My favorite teacher
by Gabriel in honor of their pre-school teacher Richelle
You are like sunshine
Still my favorite teacher
The kindest I know
in support of Strong Towns
"Richelle is a kind, artistic and helpful friend."
by Nyoka in honor of their brother Tracy
Your face full of light
Knowing heart and wicked wit
Flame of kindness rises
in support of Pachamama Alliance
"Tracy is a force for good."
Danielle is the best
by Michele in honor of their sister Danielle
Danielle shares her joy
with every person she meets.
Cannot live without.
in support of American Farmland Trust
"She is the best human and is always there for everyone around her. She makes time for others ahead of herself and is a genuinely good person."
Thankful 4 Derek
by Victoria in honor of their close friend Derek
Belle, Snick, loyal pair,
Obscure laws and canned bread share,
Derek's unique care
in support of American Farmland Trust
Pickled beets
by Alex in honor of their wife Caitlyn
A knowing butt tap
While reaching past you for the
Wine and pickled beets.
in support of Regenerative Organic Alliance
"My beautiful wife, she keeps me at my best."