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Final call for haikus

This post was originally shared in our email newsletter on November 11, 2023.

This is a short note to say that tomorrow will be the last day to submit an appreciation for a loved one, with a chance to earn them a complimentary 12-candle gift subscription.

🖊️🤗 Submit an appreciation here 🤗🖊️ [deadline November 12]

We will send a complimentary Scent-to-Home for all valid submissions AND several finalists will also receive complimentary full-size candles (see rules in the link above).

It’s been wonderful seeing your haikus roll in over the past several days. The range of nominees and approaches is heartwarming and I can’t wait to share the stories back with you.

In the event that you are feeling bashful about your haiku skills, I am sharing below a haiku I wrote for my dear childhood cat, named “Fish”.

Ode to Fish 🐈

Your trembling whiskers,

Thick pouch, deafening miaow

Will be remembered.

Note that while this ode purr-fectly* fulfills our haiku syllable requirements, it does not fulfill the criteria of being about a living human.

Once again, November 12 is the last day for submitting appreciations, which you can do here.


— Harry from Keap, Steward-Owner

* There was intense debate whether “miaow” (more commonly spelled “meow”) was one or two syllables. I begrudgingly had to concede it is officially two and edit my poem as a result. 

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