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December: Rudolf and his fyggē delights

Dear Keapers,

A sprightly reindeer once told me: "Lighting a candle during the holiday season is the only way I can relax after flying through the late winter sky dragging a sleigh full of presents".

I wanted to ask several follow-up questions, but all of a sudden his nose started flashing red, he yelled something about santa and left squealing the word “Figgy”...or was it “Fyggē”?




Inspired by Rudolf’s parting cries, this month we bring our seasonal subscribers Wild Figs. It's a scent that we find particularly cozy and remarkably festive thanks to undertones of rich berries. It's no cinnamon spice, but you'll see when you burn it that there's something distinctive that says "This is the time to light the fireplace". Of course, if you live in the city (like us), odds are that you don't have a fireplace, but you can always just catch Season 1 of "Fireplace for your Home" on Netflix.




As we close the books on 2017, we can't help but feel a collective sense of "what the hell was that?". Thankfully it’s been a busy and wonderful year at Keap—thanks to you!—and we want to say a huge THANK YOU for your support.

You allow us to focus on making the best possible candles, to remain independently run, and to stay true to our mission of making the world a brighter place. Our humble thanks again.

As usual, scroll down for logistical info about your candle subscription. We hope you enjoy this month's scent, and as usual please feel free to get in touch, via email or Instagram.

Keep the fire burning,



December 2017
Ship date: December 18-19
Seasonal scent of the month: Wild Figs
Matchbox: Holiday touch by Dan Abary

Pro tip: you can skip a delivery or change your preferences in your user area at or by emailing us at


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